North Putnam High School Alumni Association By-laws


The North Putnam High School Alumni Association is dedicated to promoting the fellowship of all former students, friends, and teachers associated with North Putnam High School by preserving the history of the school, supporting its present activities, and laying the foundation for a successful future.


To promote the fellowship of all former students, friends, and teachers associated with North Putnam High School.
To collect and preserve memorabilia from the history of North Putnam High School.
To sponsor annual gatherings of friends, teachers, and alumni of North Putnam High School.
To support the administration in the objectives of education in the North Putnam Community School Corporation.
To administer the North Putnam High School Alumni Scholarship Fund.


Preferred membership in this association is open to graduates of North Putnam High School. A member shall be defined as one paying yearly dues to the organization. Dues will be set by the Board of Directors.
General membership in this association is open to all former students, staff, spouses, and friends of preferred members associated with North Putnam High School. A member shall be defined as one paying yearly dues to the organization. Dues will be set by the Board of Directors.
Honorary membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors on any person who has previously performed outstanding service for the North Putnam High School Alumni Association or Scholarship Fund. Honorary members are entitled to participate in all undertakings of the association and are not required to pay dues.
Preferred members, general members and honorary members are not entitled to vote on matters brought before the Board of Directors.

Board Meetings

Meetings are on the third Monday of each month except when that day falls on a holiday or is otherwise changed by the President. The alternate day shall be the fourth Monday of the month. Meeting time to be at 7:00 PM.
Executive sessions may be called by any Executive board member. Executive board members include President, Vice president, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Fifty-one percent of the filled positions shall constitute a quorum. A majority of voting members at any one meeting may pass motions which have been duly presented and seconded.
Participation in all meeting is encouraged.

Board of Directors

The board shall consist of twenty-one positions. Each position has one vote.
Only preferred members of the North Putnam High School Alumni Association may serve on the board of directors.
Terms shall be set at two years with the option of renewal at the end of the term.
Candidates nominated for Board membership positions will be elected by a quorum of Board members.
Officers to be elected include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Committee chairpersons may be appointed by the President and approved by the Board.
A historian or historians may be appointed by the President and approved by the Board.

Election of Officers

A Nominating Committee chaired by the Vice President shall be appointed by the President and will meet annually in May to recommend persons for positions effective September of the same year. Elections shall take place at the regular August meeting.
Executive sessions may be called by any Executive Board Member. Executive Board Members include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Mid-term vacancies of officers shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

Duties of the Officers

The President shall preside over regular meetings of the association.
The Vice President shall preside over the meetings in the absence of the President and assist the President as directed. The Vice President shall chair the Nomination Committee.
The Secretary will keep minutes of each meeting and distribute the minutes to the board members at the next regular meeting. The Secretary will handle correspondence and other duties as directed by the President of the Board.
The Treasurer will collect all monies due the association and deposit and/or withdraw those monies in a checking account as directed by the Board of Directors. The checking account will have the officers as signators with the signature of any two officers required for any transaction other than deposits. A monthly report will be made to the board.
The Historian is appointed by the President with the approval of the board. The Historian will keep historical records, mementos and other items pertinent to the association.


In the event of the passing of an officer or director of the North Putnam High School Alumni Association, the Association will send a single white rose in a vase with a blue and/or orange ribbon to the funeral home. In addition, a $25.00 contribution will be made to the North Putnam High School Alumni Scholarship Fund in their memory.

Mission Statement

To encourage Alumni of North Putnam High School to maintain an interest in the academic, athletic, cultural, and social environment of the school.
To establish an on-going Alumni Scholarship Foundation to provide funds for deserving students to pursue additional education at an academic or vocational level.
To recognize the role that North Putnam High School has played in the education and moral development of local young people to become useful and productive citizens in their local communities.